Sunday, September 14, 2008

Are you ready for some football?

One weekend a month, 2 weeks a month and sometimes more, we get to say goodbye to Nick. Nick has been in the Air National Guard for over 10 years. It can be hard and frustrating not having him around, especially when the kids were young. Plus, it seemed every weekend he had guards it would never fail to have one of the kids wake up at 2 in the morning sick with the next kid following soon after. Never failed, I could almost count on it. Seriously. However, sometimes having Nick being in the guards isn't so bad. Take for instance this weekend. We recieved 6 free tickets to the MN Gopher vs Montana State football game at the Dome. We even all received free t-shirts made especially for guard members and their families. Since we had 6 tickets and only have 5 members in our family, Nick invited his dad to join us. There is nothing like watching football, live at the Dome. Plus, it helps when they win! I totally enjoyed it. The kids did well the first half but were tiring out by the 3rd quarter. What an experience though. At half time the marching band marched out each of the military emblems, they did a special tribute to the military, a military man sang "Proud to be an American" and it was just a great experience for the kids to realize what a great man their dad is and how he serves his country - and to get recognized for it. So here is to all the great military men and woman - and to the Gophers for winning! (I would have added the Vikings too but they didn't pull out a win this weekend :( )
enjoy your week!!- K


Anonymous said...

Kris- hey Nick showed me your blog site now I am trying to figure one out- lets just say I am not internet savvy. I need a crash course in internet use. But- it is interesting to read your site. | will see if I can figure one out for myself. I like your new jewelry - very beautiful. I will have to check it out when I come next weekend for the stamping party!
Love ya-

Anonymous said...

Hey Kris,

As usual you have a wonderful blog again. I love your work. You have to make some kind of "western/horsey" stuff too, and send them my way!!!

Hey, were is Nick's Beer at the Football game??

Take care.
