Monday, May 19, 2008

scrap much?

With Nick being gone I had visions of late nights, piles of scrap pages completed and much crafting being done... well, it doesn't quite work that way. I have been fighting a mental breakdown instead! :) I like to think of myself as strong, self sufficient etc. but at times as a "single" mom I feel so ... weak. I am wiped by nighttime but stay up to read as that is all I have the energy for and I don't really sleep when Nick is gone. I would rather be scrapping but I can't seem to find the energy to complete that task... however, I have dabbled a little here and there.

I did get a night with my girlfriend to scrap and shop the next day... the scrapping and hanging out with my gf's was awesome, the shopping for clothes for me - not so much. This weight thing is really bearing down on me but that would be another whole long post!

Anyway, here is my first LO, an ode to my dh who is gone at guards.

and of course, our 3 awesome kiddos...

1 comment:

Brooke said...

great layouts... LOVE the pic of mallory! your kids look so grown up. i don't realize it in my own kids until i see other ones the same age that they used to hang out with!
i think WE should get together and scrap and our kids could play. you always inspire me!