Wednesday, July 16, 2008

been working...

Every so often, I have to buckle down and get something done. This was the week for that. I was running out of inventory for craft shows I was told and my husband had some ideas of his own for his use for me. I usually try to hide from him when he lets me know this but sometimes he catches me unawares and traps me into it. Plus, it makes him happy when I help, even if I am a wimp and whine and complain. Last night I was so lucky enough to drag large amounts of dirt out from under the house while he shoveled holes. Are we weird? well, yes, but it has to do with our upcoming addition and making our foundation a tad bit tougher to hold it all up. I am sure there are more technical terms for it but I am not that knowledgable in matters of construction and honestly, that doesn't bother me one bit.

Now work for shows was a bit more enjoyable. I did quite a few canvases, some fun colors and some fun fabrics. I love working with canvases since each one can be different. I can experiment and it usually turns out. Craft shows help, they have a variety of people looking for a variety of things. What may catch one persons eye another will walk by without even noticing it. It takes all kinds.

I also made some more rings. I always end up keeping a few for myself too. That is the joy of working for yourself I think! I get paid in product.

Plus, the best thing of all, now that I have worked SO hard all week ;) I can play the rest of it. My scrapping has been calling to me... "come and scrap" didn't you hear it?

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