Tuesday, December 9, 2008

house update

Just thought I would post some pics of the house project and how it is coming along...

safety first here at the Bents' an open view in our living room;

the view from our "upstairs"

The contractors were here last Monday through Wednesday and built the frame of our second floor and sheeted it. We were going to shingle this past weekend but Mr Weather changed our minds on that one (thank goodness!) We had been living in the garage starting Monday but moved back into the house this past Saturday. It was cozy and warm in the garage and worked out well but it is nice to be back in the house even with the unfinished walls, tarps hanging down and a very, very cold upstairs (we have it blocked off for now). The kids did get to go "upstairs" and try and envision where their rooms will be. That seem to make all this chaos and mess we call construction a little more worth it to them. Kids need that visual. Nick is of course working like a madman, last week he had off and worked here, trying to keep ahead of the contractors with the wiring, insulation and so on, this week he is back to his normal job during the day and construction man by night. He (we) are also so thankful his dad is his right hand man and has been a tremendous help. There is nothing like family. I mean that, seriously. They were up here last weekend helping tearing off the roof so the contractors would be ready to roll come that Monday. Like I said, there is nothing like family. Of course friends come in close as there were a couple of those too and we couldn't have done without them! The house is a work in progress, I am not sure the kids understand that it will take a while... I have been doing better than I thought through all the mess and unorganization, I can only say it is because the grace of God.

this will be the boy's room

after day 2 of the contractors - wow!

Plus, I did take a few moments to myself and do some scrap pages :)

(supplies include some great patterned paper, Unity stamps and more!)

Thought this verse went well along with all that is going on in our life...

"As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

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