Wednesday, September 8, 2010

hump day

It is Wednesday, the middle of the week, half way done or half way to go, depending on how you look at it. It was nice to be back in school and seeing the kids, the teachers, paras, etc. I wasn't ready but I enjoyed it. Life kind of works that way, depending on how your outlook is ... is the glass half full or half empty? I am a half full girl myself, at least most times, those times I am not I wonder why and usually give myself a stern talking to and my glass becomes half full once again.

We had a wonderful time Monday celebrating birthdays, enjoying our last day of "freedom" before school started. I even fell into the trend of cupcake toppers... I seen them all over the internet and when I see something all over I am apt to turn away from it as, let's face it, I am not a trend follower. But, these were really cute and the kids got a kick out of them. We took family pictures and this was one of our "out takes" (I think that is what it is called!)

The birthday peeps!

My trendy cupcakes... All of the grandkids... I wish I wouldn't have gotten their faces so light... so much to learn!
Hope you all had a fun and laborless day!
Blessings - K

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