Tuesday, June 3, 2008

GASP!! - double blog day

This is the way I roll, in spurts :) lazy a few days, crazy the next few...

I am just so proud to have gotten my teacher gifts done, since it is the last day and all tomorrow and I only have had these scented thingy's for over 2 weeks. Nothing more pleasing than being done early. yes - that is my attempt at humor, dry and not understood by many.

I love using kraft paper. I picked up a roll of kraft wrapping paper a while ago and use it for everything. It is so easy to spruce up, keep simple, make elegant etc. Also, I seem to have an ample supply of scrap scrapbooking paper around to use for these small projects, so not only am I simple but sensible. These flowers I have been wanting to make for a bit too. I love the alpha ribbon ! I just cut 3 (or 6 since I made 2 flowers) strips of ribbon about the same size (around 6 inches or so). I took each one and brought the ends to meet in the middle, overlapping a bit and sewed together. Then the next one, then the final one but before I brought the needle down through the final one I added a button to it. Tied it in the back and voila! instant original flower.

I wrote on the back of the "A+" a little thank you to the teacher. I hope they like these scented bottles, I love mine and I am so thankful to the teachers of my children. They are most definetly A+'s!!!!

Here is to summer!


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